04 maio 2006

Especificidades do Conhecimento Tácito

We can know more than we can tell, an adage offered by Michael Polanyi, scientist, philosopher, and author of the influential Tacit Dimension, may be the most quoted observation in the tacit knowledge research enterprise.

Recent studies in the business, sociological, psychological, military, and other research literatures have expanded this concise definition to include assertions that tacit knowledge is:

  • personal in origin and valuable to the possessor;
  • job specific and related to context;
  • difficult to fully articulate;
  • both known in part and unknown in part to the possessor;
  • transmitted, where transmission is possible, through interpersonal contact;
  • operative on an organizational level;
  • applied, in part, through "if-then" rules;
  • capable of becoming explicit knowledge and vice versa;
  • intertwined with explicit knowledge along unstable knowledge borders;
  • poorly reflected in contemporary knowledge literature.

    Extraído de "Tacit Knowledge - Tacit Ignorance and the Future of Academic Librarianship - Bill Crowley"

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